Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I think that novels that leave out technology misrepresent life as badly as Victorians misrepresented life by leaving out sex. - Vonnegut

Further explorations in Internet applications: Cuil. I am NOT impressed. This is being touted as the replacement Google and provides more privacy but in my estimation, provides no results. I appreciate that there is no personal information retained by the Gaelic-named search engine pronounced "cool" (seriously? totally geeky) but if there are no results retrieved, why would I use it? I found IxQuick, a metasearch, to be more useful and it retrieved things in my control search that Google did not. A lot more actually. I think I have a new friend. That said, the love I feel for Google will never be supplanted because Google encompasses a search plus Email, Documents, Chat, Maps . . . the list seems endless. Don't worry, my Googley darling, I'll always be true. Or until something better comes along.

Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. If we continue to develop our technology without wisdom or prudence, our servant may prove to be our executioner. - Omar Bradley

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