Friday, September 12, 2008

When you cannot get a compliment any other way pay yourself one. - Mark Twain

Get not your friends by bare compliments, but by giving them sensible tokens of your love. - Socrates

I went to visit an old friend at B&N yesterday. While we were chatting, a customer came up and as she was helping him, he turned to me. "Can I give you a compliment?" Uh, sure? "You are perfect", he said. "I don't know if it's your clothes, your face, your body, but you are perfect." I thanked him and he left the store with the item you purchased. In telling this story to friends, some people think it is totally creepy and others think it is very kind. I was flattered and pleased to receive such a lovely compliment on my birthday and he was not slimy or overbearing in the least. Unlike some encounters . . . When Jane and I went to see local punks The Objex play a show, a drunk frat-type sidled up next to us. (The type I have nicknamed "terminal preppie" from the Dead Kennedys song of the same name) He began asking if I'd like a drink/dance/to go out sometime. I replied that I was flattered but that I am gay. He looked me up and down and provided this oh-so-charming rejoinder: "Why women? You're so attractive." Excuse me??? A girl would only be gay if she were too ugly to get a man? Fortunately Jane hustled him away before I made him permanently sterile but this is such a common problem for femmes. Just because a girl wears lipstick and heels, reveals some cleavage or likes to wear skirts, does NOT make her heterosexual. I have been reading articles about this on
Sublimefemme Unbound and Femme's Guide to Absolutely Everything and they seem to be in agreement. I love being gay, I love pretty girly women, and I love to wear heels. Anyone who wants to make assumptions about me because of it should think again. I won't even start on the librarian sterotypes.

The Bible contains six admonishments to homosexuals and 362 admonishments to heterosexuals. That doesn't mean that God doesn't love heterosexuals. It's just that they need more supervision. - Lynn Lavner - as published in PFLAG

1 comment:

Sublimefemme said...

Hi, Thanks for reading my blog, and for the link.

Isn't it amazing that men still make comments like this? After coming out, a friend of mine had one say to her, "what a waste."
Meanwhile you know that lesbians are probably their biggest fantasy.
So we should not "waste" our looks on other women, except when a man is part of the action!