Thursday, September 25, 2008

Time the devourer of all things. - Ovid

Further adventures in reference librarianship . . .

* "Uh . . . " this said while scratching a big fat hairy belly hanging out from beneath his shirt

* "I need to know about companies who manufacture walk-in freezers"

* "I need a phone number for Robert Kennedy Jr. Or a personal email address." I was able to provide her with an address for the university where he works and a related email address but she wanted to be certain her correspondence would reach the man himself.

* But most frequently, "I need computer". They mean now, of course. We have 32 computers for public use in the building and they are generally booked within an hour of the library opening. And it is clearly my fault when there are none available.

I have been taking advantage of the reference materials at hand to do useful things like help Jane stalk Woody Allen or make sure Zelda knows the date of the very first SNL show (10/11/75) so she can celebrate the anniversary as necessary.

However -

I just received a start date for my new job as a Youth Services Librarian in Northern CA. That's right, BiblioFemme is definitely on the move! Right now my main concern is a 9 hour car trip in a VW Beetle with 3 unhappy cats. And who I am going to watch Season 3 of Dexter with when it come out on DVD. And where I am going to live when I get there. Okay, the tension is beginning to creep in so I'll sign off and resume flipping through the "Congressional Staff Directory" to soothe my nerves.

Do what you feel in your heart to be right - for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't. - Eleanor Roosevelt

1 comment:

Sublimefemme said...

You're too cute--I love the image of you in the VW Beetle (what color?) with your 3 cats. Definitely get kitty valium for your babies. Maybe a little for you too since moving is so stressful!

You'll have to stop by my blog and let me know about your favorite fragrances--just to round out those professor/librarian fantasies! ;-)
