Thursday, August 28, 2008

"Go to bed, redhead!" - Jane

The above was bellowed at me last night after I kept popping out of my bedroom to contribute to my roommates' conversation. I decided to share a redhead fact from The Roots of Desire: The Myth, Meaning, and Sexual Power of Red Hair. According to this book, 70% of all redheads have a gene linked to higher than average levels of pain tolerance. Apparently this is more effective in females than males. So redheaded women are Amazonian super women. Ha. Also red? A phoenix, a mythical bird from Egyptian and Islamic legend known for its' beautiful song and fragrant nest that bursts into flame, incinerating the bird so that a new one can rise from the ashes. There can be only one Phoenix at a time. This "rising from the ashes" idea is the reason I have a phoenix tattooed on my chest because I tend to set myself on fire more often than I might like to admit and like to believe I am all the stronger for it.

"You deserve a longer letter than this; but it is my unhappy fate seldom to treat people so well as they deserve" - Jane Austen

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