Wednesday, October 15, 2008

“with its marvelous pinkness . . .” – Tom Robbins

I have successfully completed my move to Northern CA. This is no small feat, I assure you. Some highlights:

* being convinced I had poisoned Ginsberg when he started drooling foamy ropes of spit. My mom was in hysterics, I was upset. Until about 5 hours later, when it was actually really funny
* over 9 hours of driving a VW Beetle with 2 crying cats
* meeting the neighborhood crazy/jailbird when my mother invited him into the new house
* being asked for $5, then called "honky bitch", by aforementioned crazy
* overhearing numerous choice tidbits from the people across the street, including my favorite, "Who do I look like, Kunta Kinte?"
* music from lingering cars so loud it rattles my walls
* the ice cream truck that plays a rap. About ice cream. And samples the traditional ice cream truck song
* discovering I share a fence with the local Hell's Angels compound. Hello, back neighbors!
* watching the kitties enjoy the blue jays through the security doors
* moving through the circuit of my new house and realizing all the space is mine, I don't have to share anything!
* reading. All day. Until I start my job on Tuesday.
* being in a new place is always terrifying and magical
* rising from my own ashes, much like the Phoenix tattoo on my chest

I am very pleased to have this new space to myself. I will post pictures soon but right now I am trying to get everything unpacked in time for the wedding I have to attend this weekend. My best beloved Sam is getting married and I will get to see R Batty for the first time in nearly a year! Bravo for good friends.

1 comment:

Nerdyn8ivegurl said...

OMG poor Ginsberg! It's wonderful to know that you are getting settled. The boys and I miss you lots.