Saturday, October 4, 2008

Each body has its art... - Gwendolyn Brooks

It is a fragrant day at the library.

Perfect day for a scarf. I love scarves for many reasons, they keep me warm, they add interest to an outfit, I have a long neck and they look good on me, but working in the public library add one more very important reason to the list. Air filter. Many library patrons have less than ideal standards of personal hygiene, as evidenced by my last blog post where there is an "odor" rule. I find that when helping people with their own auras of flower-wilting, nose-curling intensity, having a scarf that is scented with my own perfume that I can pull across my nose and mouth is nearly a requirement. Today has been a day of powerful bodily odors and complete Internet illiteracy, an almost crippling combination for the librarian who is helping them. Who is, of course, me.

Last night was lovely though. Jane and I went downtown for our last First Friday art walk together and I was finally able to buy a piece. Bravo! Just a little painting to bring with me to my new home which I hopefully be able to put an address to in a few days. We had horchata at the Mexican restaurant that is also our tradition and just generally enjoyed ourselves.

But now I am at work, hiding my face in my pink and gold Indian scarf and stomping around in my cowboy boots. I'm my own "Cowboys and Indians" performance art piece!
The body says what words cannot. - Martha Graham

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